Angular Animations

Matias Niemelä (@yearofmoo)

http:// / ng-japan-2017



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What to expect

Animations on the web

Basics of Animations in Angular

Overview of New Features

CSS & Web Animations

Animation on the web

How would you animate something

CSS ... Transitions? Keyframes?

A third-party JS library?

What about web-animations?

<div class="animate-me"> ... </div>
/* CSS transitions */ .animate-me { transition:1s linear all; font-size:200%; }
/* CSS keyframes */ .animate-me { animation: 1s expandFontSize linear; } @keyframes expandFontSize { from { font-size: 100%; } to { font-size: 200%; } }

The Web-animations API

Create animations using JavaScript

Native browser-level API

Basically keyframes in JavaScript

Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari (TP)

var element = document.querySelector('.animate-me'); var player = element.animate([ { fontSize: '100%', easing: 'linear' }, { fontSize: '200%' } ], 1000); //...
//... player.pause();; player.cancel(); player.currentTime = 500; //50% between 0s and 1s

The disconnect from CSS

Web animations are all in JS

No stylesheets

No way to decorate animations

You need to specify every style!!!

Too low level

How Angular Does it

Angular uses web animations

Custom Animation DSL code

Integrates with the component

And is testable

// the same animation import {style, animate, animation} from "@angular/animations"; const expandFontSize = animation([ style({ fontSize: '100%' }), animate('1s linear', style({ fontSize: '200%' })) ]);

Animations in Angular


Not enabled by default

Import BrowserAnimationsModule

Place animations in Components

// inside of your app module import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common'; import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from "@angular/platform-browser/animations"; @NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule, BrowserAnimationsModule ] }) export class MyAppModule {}


Include the following:




import {Component} from "@angular/core"; import {style, animate, transition, trigger} from "@angular/animations"; @Component({ animations: [ // animations go here... ] }) class MyComponent {}

Triggers, Transitions and Sequences

Triggers manage animation state

Transitions animate between states

Sequences are step-by-step animations

@Component({ animations: [ trigger('expand', [ transition('closed => open', [ style({ height: '0px' }), animate('0.5s', style({ height: '100px' })) ]), transition('open => closed', [ style({ height: '100px' }), animate('0.5s', style({ height: '0px' })) ]) ]) ] })

Animation Bindings

Triggers act as binding properties

Within the component template

Prefixed with an @ sign

<!-- component.template.html --> <div [@expand]="isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'"> I will be visible when isOpen is true </div> <button (click)="isOpen = !isOpen">Toggle</button>

Animation Events

Events can also be used

Detect when trigger starts/completes

Prefixed with an @ sign

<!-- component.template.html --> <div [@expand]="isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'" (@expand.done)="animationComplete($event)"> I will be visible when isOpen is true </div>
$event == { element: any, // div element fromState: string, // "in" or "out" toState: string, // "in" or "out" totalTime: number, // 1000 (milliseconds) triggerName: string, // "fade" phaseName: string // "start" or "done" }


Trigger States

Transitions don't save state

Use state(name, styles) to persist styles

@Component({ animations: [ trigger('expand', [ state('closed', style({ height: '0px' })), state('open', style({ height: '100px' })), transition('closed => open, open => closed', [ animate('0.5s') ]) ]) ] })

Auto Styles

Use * to specify the final style

Helpful to dynamic styles like height

Works on any CSS property

Use style('*') to reset everything

@Component({ animations: [ trigger('expand', [ state('closed', style({ height: '0px' }), state('open', style({ height: '*' }), transition('closed <=> open', [ animate('0.5s') ]) ]) ] })


New Animation Features

Angular 4.2+

A wave of new features

querying, staggering

sub animations

input params

routeable animations


query() animations

Animation Querying

multiple element animation

find newly inserted/removed nodes

serial / parallel animations


<!-- demo app / list-page.component.html --> <div class="list-container" [@listAnimation]="items.length"> <div *ngFor="let item of items" class="list-item"> ... </div> </div>
trigger('listAnimation', [ transition('* => *', [ query(':enter', style({ height: '0px' }), {optional: true}) query(':leave', [ style({ height: '200px' }), animate('500ms', style({height: '0px'})) ]), {optional: true}), query(':enter', animate('500ms', style('*'))), {optional: true}) ]), ]),

stagger() animations


query() animates elements in parallel

stagger() spaces them out

which looks nice

query(':leave', stagger(100, [ style({ height: '200px' }), animate('500ms', style({height: '0px'})) ])), {optional: true}), query(':enter', stagger(-100, [ animate('500ms', style('*')) ]), {optional: true})

animateChild() animations

Sub Animations

query() can find inner elements

that have animations

and use animateChild() to allow/skip

// some particular animation query('@someAnimation', [ animateChild() ]) // all sub animations query('@*', [ animateChild({ duration: '1s' }) ])


<form [@searchBarAnimation]="state"> <div [@showHideAnimation]="state == 'loading' ? 'on' : 'off'"> <!-- loading animation --> <div [@showHideAnimation]="state == 'active' ? 'on' : 'off'"> <!-- profile name --> <div [@showHideAnimation]="state == 'search' ? 'on' : 'off'"> <!-- search field -->
trigger('searchBarAnimation', [ state('active, loading', style({ backgroundColor: '#333', color: 'white' })), state('search', style({ backgroundColor: '#fff', color: 'white' })), transition('* => *', [ //... ]) ]),
transition('* => *', [ style({ height: '!', position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden' }), group([ query('@showHideAnimation', [ style({ position: 'absolute', top:0, left:0, right:0}), animateChild(), ]), animate('500ms cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1)') ]), ]),

animation { {substitutions} }

Animation Input Parameters

All style data is static

* styles are dynamic

How do we pass in data?

Animation Style Substitutions

trigger('heightChange', [ transition('* => *', [ style({ height: '{{ fromHeight }}' }) animate(1000, style({ height: '{{ toHeight }}' })) ], { params: { fromHeight: '0px', toHeight: '100px' }) ])

Reusable Animations

const heightAnimation = animation([ style({ height: '{{ fromHeight }}' }) animate(1000, style({ height: '{{ toHeight }}' })) ], { params: { fromHeight: '0px', toHeight: '100px' })

Animation Style Substitutions

trigger('heightChange', [ transition('* => *', [ useAnimation(heightAnimation, { params: { fromHeight: '0px', toHeight: '100px', } ]) ]) ])
<div [@heightAnimation]="{value: heightState, { params: { fromHeight: '33px', toHeight: '66px' } }">...</div>


<app-modal *ngIf="modalIsActive" [startCoordinates]="{x: xValue, y: yValue}"> </app-modal>
@Component({ selector: 'app-modal', templateUrl: 'modal.component.html animations: [ //... ] }) export class ModalComponent { //.. }
export class ModalComponent { public modalState: any = ''; @Input('startCoordinates') public startCoordinates: any = {}; ngOnInit() { const x = this.startCoordinates['x'] || 0; const y = this.startCoordinates['y'] || 0; this.modalState = { value: 'ready', params: {x, y} }; } }
<!-- modal.component.html --> <div class="container" [@containerAnimation]="modalState"> ... </div>
trigger('containerAnimation', [ state('*', style({ display: 'none' })), state('ready', style({ display: 'block' })), transition('* => ready', [ style({ display: 'block', opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0)', transformOrigin: '50% 0%', top: '{{ y }}px', left: '{{ x }}px', }), animate('300ms 200ms cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1)', style(['*', {transformOrigin: '50% 0%'}])) ]) ])

route animations


Animations + Routes

Each route can have animations

Transitions = route changes

query() can dictate when they happen

export const ROUTES = [ { path: '', component: ListPageComponent, data: { animation: 'indexPage' } }, { path: 'users/:slug', component: ProfilePageComponent, data: { animation: 'profilePage' } } ];
<div [@routeAnimation]="prepRouteState(outlet)"> <!-- ... --> <div class="router-container"> <router-outlet #outlet="outlet"></router-outlet> </div> </div>

Preparing the router state

The component reads the config

Returns the router state

Or creates its own value

class AppCmp { prepRouteState(r) { return r.activatedRouteData['animation']; } }

The Router Animation

The container handles the change

It can then tell children to animate

Or do its own animation

@Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', animations: [ trigger('routeAnimation', [ transition('indexPage <=> profilePage', [ // 1. style the containers // 2. run the removal animation // 3. run the enter animation ]) ]) ] })
transition('indexPage <=> profilePage', [ // 1. style the containers query('.router-container', style({ position: 'relative '})), query(':enter, :leave', style({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0 })), query(':enter', style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(400px)' })), //...
// 2. run the removal function group([ query(':leave', animateChild()), query('@searchBarAnimation', animateChild()), ]), //...
// 3. run the removal function group([ query(':enter', group([ animate('400ms cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1)', style('*')), animateChild({ delay: '200ms' }) ])), query(':leave', [ animate('400ms cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1)', style({ transform: 'translateY(-400px)', opacity: 0 })) ]), ]), ])

Final Notes

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